Saturday, January 4, 2014


Busy day busy life. Hahaha. I just want to work and climb all day. Oh man I really hate doing assignments... Damnit. I gotta buck up.

Too many weird issues to tackle lately, not much help there. Schedule and money issues to worry about. Just tendered from safra. Starting on my climbing coaching job. Insurance matters to tackle.

Just abit burnt out. Slept 12 hours stil feel like crap. And end up never get any hw done.

Tml gonna climb then got some BBQ for climbers after 6pm. I do like having the weekends to climb and meet friends as opposed to when I was attached and had no time nor freedom.

Okok I really gotta focus on my homework. Im like ord and holiday mood. So not helping man.

Had class today. My classmates are quite ok uh. Not bad pple to hang out with.

Sleepsoon. Training tml. 2 comps in jan. 7 assignments due...

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