Monday, January 27, 2014

Girivihar Comp!

Okay im back from India, relatively safe and sound.
Kena food poisoning, but i guess things could have been worse so im grateful nothing else happened to anybody. Went with korkor adriel, ryan yeo, nevin, asyraf sapri and lynnette! I got first for the ladies cat and adriel won first for the second time in a row and lyn got second!

The comp was great, met many new people, made a lot of friends and got to know somewhat about indian culture, although my stomach hates the word indian food. No racism intended. The comp crowd was awesome. People cheering for you like mad even though they dont know you. hahaha. its awesome. If there's a chance i would like to come back. Overseas comps are so different.
But india time is really rubber time hahaha.

Kinda sad no medal for winning but i won 300sgd approx, plus a pair of pontas 2 climbing shoes. Not sure if i would like to use it though. Shall see how it goes. Cant cover the cost of comp, but then again its not like i can buy the experience with money. But next time, we should definitely extend our stay and try climbing in their gyms and outdoors. =)

I really do love climbing. The psyche and kick it gives me- priceless.

I've decided not to pursue certain avenues. hahaha. just to be content with where i am as friends. I think anymore and either i will go crazy or he will make me crazy or he'll just ignore me, which is worse. im just content now.

After going to india and climbing hard, i realized that altho i crave for companionship, it shd be done at the right time and with the right person. i dont want to hurt myself or him. i did miss him when i was in india, but not seeing him helps to curb my feelings. its weird. i dont really understand.
Maybe im just tired of trying to chase, please or be the nice person becos he doesnt uhm reciprocate at all. its like he doesnt even reply my messages or i shant push if thats the message he wants to send me. he's always sending me mixed messages. but its ok. i will take it as nothing.

To focus on my other stuff okay? I shd probably turn les. LOL.

Okay, time to focus on my homework! then after this hell week.
its one month of school holiday.. of cos i still gotta work, but it aint gonna be that bad.

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