Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Climb spizza gathering

Had an awesome Monday with my cavemen buddies (Kenneth, Danial, Kah yong), rapist gwen, blur king weitheng and koucai. Met up at safra to climb and have dinner tgt. Ended up we all overnight tgt at safra and climbed.

Kenneth treated us pizza dinner cos he won some award and wanted to celebrate. Haha. Awesome job ken! It was a fun experience. We played +3 then damn epic. Got damn far moves and dynos within. Haha. Awesomeness max.

Most of them died by 3am. Gwen and me climbed till 6am tgt. Haha. He didn't even want to stay over in the first place! Then he was like damn siao on haha. Then we did like so called v1 routes haha and there were several height biased routes. Amazed he didnt tire out. Everyone else did. Haha. I was ok uh, pretty used to pulling all nighters. Haha.

Went back slept for a few hours then went for coaching. Now otw to safra to meet the gang for dinner. :-) gang= ky, Trent and valerie. Shukri has camp this whole week so will only see him during the weekend.

My thigh still hurts tho. Cant lift it up much. And putting it down hurts more than lifting it up. Haha. The side aches alot. Recover soon ok my dear leg. I love you. <3

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