Friday, January 31, 2014

Cny eve

Thank you Dylan and valerie for taking care of me during cny eve when I had no one to pei me. Thanks for inviting me to your place for dinner. U guys are the most awesome.

Haha had alot of fun eating steamboat with them! We played pictionary, watched some random shows, watched peemak (finally), and played monopoly!

Feel very blessed. Thank you!
Love you guys to bits and pieces. <3

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Clarke quay adventure

Went out with shuk yesterday evening after class to do some girl hunting haha. We went to eat ice cream at haato & co, not bad but I think I like gelare better. Next was hooters. That one the most awesome. Alot of girls in hot oranges shorts. Hahaha. Shuk kept staring at their butt and commenting. We ate some beef fondue and chicken wings. I drank hooegarden. So fun.

We chatted alot. Learnt alot about him. Hahaha. I guess everyone has a diff life from what they are now. But im happy that he's happier now I guess. It's just operation "find shuk a gf". Haha. Then we just sat at the riverside and chatted. Then we missed last train haha. I took bus back but he took a cab lol.

Went out Trent in the afternoon to buy his 5.10 shoes. He bought arrowhead in the end. Slight downturned shoes. He seemed quite happy with his new "stash" haha. Oh and he bought a rope curler to clean the rope sheath. We went to ikea to hunt for a poingpoing basket haha for the rope. Got the items. Not bad la managed to buy the stuff. He damn evil lor kept on disturbing me abt my lack of "general knowledge" lol. Then keep being sarcastic. Haha. But in his own way la. Sometimes I just want to kill him also haha. But I really like spending time with him. It's ok, im just trying to appreciate what I have. Of what time I have with him. And I told shuk! Lol.

What happens in hooters stays in hooters!

Sad didnt get to take pics with trent on our shopping adventure. I would have liked that he looked so suave in his dress shirt. Haha.

Had a presentation at school after that. We cabbed down from ikea to my school. Lucky nat came late so I could work on my stuff. Now just left with submission. 4 submissions. Confirm now no mood do la. After cny must chiong.

Today is my last day at safra. Nostalgic. But I know there's many more great things to come. Im content. Gonna pack my stuff from office and I think waheed is gonna help me drive my stuff home. Gonna head over the cat's new place to crash for the night and uhm cny countdown haha.

Feel quite satisfied I guess. Just thst I couldn't wake up today. And I woke with a dysfunctional brain. Thanks lor.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Girivihar comp

Pics for me to remember my first India trip by! Hehe.

Girivihar Comp!

Okay im back from India, relatively safe and sound.
Kena food poisoning, but i guess things could have been worse so im grateful nothing else happened to anybody. Went with korkor adriel, ryan yeo, nevin, asyraf sapri and lynnette! I got first for the ladies cat and adriel won first for the second time in a row and lyn got second!

The comp was great, met many new people, made a lot of friends and got to know somewhat about indian culture, although my stomach hates the word indian food. No racism intended. The comp crowd was awesome. People cheering for you like mad even though they dont know you. hahaha. its awesome. If there's a chance i would like to come back. Overseas comps are so different.
But india time is really rubber time hahaha.

Kinda sad no medal for winning but i won 300sgd approx, plus a pair of pontas 2 climbing shoes. Not sure if i would like to use it though. Shall see how it goes. Cant cover the cost of comp, but then again its not like i can buy the experience with money. But next time, we should definitely extend our stay and try climbing in their gyms and outdoors. =)

I really do love climbing. The psyche and kick it gives me- priceless.

I've decided not to pursue certain avenues. hahaha. just to be content with where i am as friends. I think anymore and either i will go crazy or he will make me crazy or he'll just ignore me, which is worse. im just content now.

After going to india and climbing hard, i realized that altho i crave for companionship, it shd be done at the right time and with the right person. i dont want to hurt myself or him. i did miss him when i was in india, but not seeing him helps to curb my feelings. its weird. i dont really understand.
Maybe im just tired of trying to chase, please or be the nice person becos he doesnt uhm reciprocate at all. its like he doesnt even reply my messages or i shant push if thats the message he wants to send me. he's always sending me mixed messages. but its ok. i will take it as nothing.

To focus on my other stuff okay? I shd probably turn les. LOL.

Okay, time to focus on my homework! then after this hell week.
its one month of school holiday.. of cos i still gotta work, but it aint gonna be that bad.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


India baby! Haha. Am en route to the airport to catch my flight to india! Hehe. Hope all will be fine.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Sigh. I just want to be left alone. I've gotten used to my cycle of training, working, coaching etc. It makes me happy and fulfilled. I got alot more freedom and happiness.

But now he's saying he wants to come climb and uhm if I dont wanna see him, I am to quit climbing lol. Ill want to climb with my besties, but if he comes in its a diff pic. How? Dilemma 101.

I was satisfied with my life. Till he came and threatened me. Sigh I hate him so much. Cannot leave me alone ah.

I wonder how things will turn out. Sure damn awkward. And unhappy. And I know I'll purposely be more touchy. Haha. Oh wells. But with him around, there goes my chances of getting a new bf. Haha. Who wants the girl when her ex is stil hanging around?

And I really do think I like someone. It's weird liking someone again. But it's hard. Cos of my ex. Hahaha. He feels like im in a untouchable zone becos he won't take someone else's gf. But im no longer attached. Guess it doesn't matter to him cos my ex keeps on texting him. He's giving me weird mixed signals. Idk man. Havent felt this in a damn long time. But he's a very dense person. But I know how I feel haha. Why else would I dream of him. And uhm think of him when im on the train etc.

Nothing for now. Learn to live again. I know he wont accept. Time.
Anyway how to not let my ex ruin my life? Haha. When most of them are on his side helping him. I want to climb with him, but if my ex comes along idk how it'll go.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Climb spizza gathering

Had an awesome Monday with my cavemen buddies (Kenneth, Danial, Kah yong), rapist gwen, blur king weitheng and koucai. Met up at safra to climb and have dinner tgt. Ended up we all overnight tgt at safra and climbed.

Kenneth treated us pizza dinner cos he won some award and wanted to celebrate. Haha. Awesome job ken! It was a fun experience. We played +3 then damn epic. Got damn far moves and dynos within. Haha. Awesomeness max.

Most of them died by 3am. Gwen and me climbed till 6am tgt. Haha. He didn't even want to stay over in the first place! Then he was like damn siao on haha. Then we did like so called v1 routes haha and there were several height biased routes. Amazed he didnt tire out. Everyone else did. Haha. I was ok uh, pretty used to pulling all nighters. Haha.

Went back slept for a few hours then went for coaching. Now otw to safra to meet the gang for dinner. :-) gang= ky, Trent and valerie. Shukri has camp this whole week so will only see him during the weekend.

My thigh still hurts tho. Cant lift it up much. And putting it down hurts more than lifting it up. Haha. The side aches alot. Recover soon ok my dear leg. I love you. <3

Monday, January 13, 2014

Gravical 2014

And thus marks the end of my hellish weekend of practically zero sleep, school assignments, AVventura and Gravical 2014.

Got 6th for finals. Haha. Kinda disappointed in myself actually. Guess I felt like I lost out to myself on beta. I topped the first two routes albeit quite a few attempts. But if I had topped the last route I would have gotten 3rd haha. My brain was playing tricks on me. I couldnt think Clearly. I fell off the start like 3 tines hahaha. And I really should have smeared the wall to go for my next tile after getting the bonus. I kept trying to step the damn far foothold and couldnt jump from there. Sighhhh. Mistakes that I'll never forget. If I had topped the route I would have gotten 3rd. Sigh it all comes down to that one moment. Just one lapse.

Worse still I pulled my right thigh muscle. Felt the tightness and pull before the comp and I guess I didnt feel anything during the comp; adrenaline rush. After the comp, when I finally sat down. The pain came crashing back to me. Sharp pain, numbness then inability to use control or raise my leg.

Onsite medics sprayed salonpas spray on me then this smu lady, Janelle, helped me to massage the affected area. She was very nice to me. Appreciated her help. And alot of pple were kinda concerned about me quite touched. Haha.

Weitheng even got his friend to send me back and Trent became my walking stick. Supported me to walk around. Haha and he tried to piggyback me to the toilet. It was so epic and I felt like I nearly died. He squatted all the way down to pick me up then lost balance. I fell over him and almost uhm hit the ground, luckily carol grabbed my arm. Then when I dismounted, he did the same, lost his balance and toppled over, onto me and my injured leg. Oh God. That was so painful. I know he was trying to help la, but after he toppled over he just kept laughing.

We had dinner at ichiban sushi tgt.
Ky, trent, shukri, haziq, carol, weitheng and his friend and me ate tgr. Actually still got liling, guoan, Kenneth and another one of their friends but they went ahead to eat cos they were hungry and we were still deciding haha. Happy to know that they bothered to come down support uh haha.

On the bright side, I won their space race. Not too shabby prize although I would have rather gotten a beanbag than a fingerboard. Quite a few other vouchers, petzl backbag and a drybag. Haha.

Anyway, no time for regrets now because I have to recover, heal my injury and train hard for the India comp. Having paid $500+ for it, I wouldn't just want to give it up even tho im injured. Haha. Shall climb abit here and there to let it recover but maintain. I think I need to train more. I feel so lacking in sth. Sigh.

Feeling kinda low actually, cos I have been podiuming last year, but this first comp of the year didnt go too well. Also lack of sleep all these are but excuses. I gotta push thru and pick myself up thru these moments. :-)

To better, stronger times.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Busy day busy life. Hahaha. I just want to work and climb all day. Oh man I really hate doing assignments... Damnit. I gotta buck up.

Too many weird issues to tackle lately, not much help there. Schedule and money issues to worry about. Just tendered from safra. Starting on my climbing coaching job. Insurance matters to tackle.

Just abit burnt out. Slept 12 hours stil feel like crap. And end up never get any hw done.

Tml gonna climb then got some BBQ for climbers after 6pm. I do like having the weekends to climb and meet friends as opposed to when I was attached and had no time nor freedom.

Okok I really gotta focus on my homework. Im like ord and holiday mood. So not helping man.

Had class today. My classmates are quite ok uh. Not bad pple to hang out with.

Sleepsoon. Training tml. 2 comps in jan. 7 assignments due...

Thursday, January 2, 2014


It's hard to maintain friendship with everyone sia. One side dont like the other side etc.

Then got pple come and complain that I ignore and treat him as invisible. Wtf. So now I have to keep trying to pacify him. Aw man ure old enough to be able to not need me do this for u right. Ure being downright childish and creating more problems and anguish for me.

Sigh. Too many to handle.
Shall just take to climbing.

Went for supper with nick. Felt better altho we didn't talk about any issues. Im just happy to have him in my life as a constant friend.

Have to handle break up, ex problem friend problem school problem. Wtf la. Im so tired and sian.

I just want to climb and be happy.

Anyway, awesome climbing session with the gang and yess ksmd! My shifu. Hahaha. Havent climbed with him in awhile. He never ceases to amaze and inspire me. :-)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New year!

Ushered in the new year with shuk, Trent and ky. Started off with going udders to see shuk's udders girl but end up no hot girl. Haha. Had some dinner then wanted to go countdown. Horrible traffic at marina bay area. Eventually settled on going east coast park.

Shuk was so excited to try out prawning. We did and korkor Trent was an expert. Wiggly earthworms. Haha. Even ky got infected and had fun. We only caught 9 prawns, and some were super small but it was fun. I caught 3! Uhm and two were pregnant lol.

Bbq-ed them then ate. And had a horrible tummyache when I got back at 4am. And this morning when I woke up.

Nonetheless it was an awesome and fun experience. I love these guys to pieces. Altho we quarrelled abit about my ex becos ky said a mindless remark but that's also becos I asked him a sensitive question. We made up nonetheless but im still pissed and irritated at my ex abt how he tells everyone else abt us, accuses and insults me about everything. Really cannot tahan. He even talked to trent who he barely knows and my boss aizan wtf.

I cannot tahan such irresponsible actions and how he flames me,with his friends. Like how I purposely do things to spite which I dont and honestly? I dont give a damn. But I didnt do it.

I really just want him away and out of my life so he will stop hurting and insulting me.

I really feel damn happy and free since we broke up. I dont want to hate him and will try to be friends with him but if he keeps doing such things I'll end up avoiding and hating him.

Moodspoiler. Caged up much.