Thursday, January 2, 2014


It's hard to maintain friendship with everyone sia. One side dont like the other side etc.

Then got pple come and complain that I ignore and treat him as invisible. Wtf. So now I have to keep trying to pacify him. Aw man ure old enough to be able to not need me do this for u right. Ure being downright childish and creating more problems and anguish for me.

Sigh. Too many to handle.
Shall just take to climbing.

Went for supper with nick. Felt better altho we didn't talk about any issues. Im just happy to have him in my life as a constant friend.

Have to handle break up, ex problem friend problem school problem. Wtf la. Im so tired and sian.

I just want to climb and be happy.

Anyway, awesome climbing session with the gang and yess ksmd! My shifu. Hahaha. Havent climbed with him in awhile. He never ceases to amaze and inspire me. :-)

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