Sunday, August 31, 2014

Humans are stupid

Why are Humans so stupid?  Always giving expectations of others and end up feeling disappointed and unwanted.

Please don't make me wait anymore or shower me with empty promises.  It hurts.  I have homework to do and a comp tml.  I stil have to be there for my kids tml morning. 

Do whatever u need to.  Just leave me alone for now.  Unreliable. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Shitty day

I guess i only post when im feeling shitty or having a shitty Day?  I feel like crap today i guess.

Stress from school,  climbing comps,  work etc.  Cant handle. I suddenly feel very overwhelmed. Like too much to handle. 

My finger hurts from climbing. Was supposed to be leading then end up rain so i bouldered instead.  Then finger pain like siao. Cant latch on anything. Today is really just one bad day all in.  Somemore i have obc in 2 days.  Its like i feel the despair right before the comp.  Now i just feel like quitting everything. 

Stressed from school assignments and not being able to meet my bf as well. I feel so sian.  I just wanna curl up in bed and rest.  Like and worry about nothing... Not going to work tho.  Life sucks take drugs?  Haven't heard that phrase in so long. 

I need my hug and my bed. And a miracle.