Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Down with fever,  flu and cough. 38.5 deg fever,  can't seem to rmr when was the last time o was so sick and for so long. 

I miss climbing.  Hope I get well soon.  Doesn't help that my own bf is shitting me. Like today we went to climb asia tgt then in the end I decided not to climb becos I felt unwell.  So i just asked him to climb lor and I just sat there for 2 hours.  With an ice pack over my head and 38.5 deg fever.  u know what? He kept asking me if I was tired.  Which part of fever don't u understand?  I'm not tired,  I'm SICK.  waiting for him was okay cos its my choice in the end,  but then he came and say to me,  "why u never come see me do this route?  I told you I was gonna try it."
Woah. I just replied "you didn't tell me when u went to try the route uh." I was fucking lying there with a fever and Ice pack to acc u and all u ask me is that. 

I was really really pissed actually.  But I just sucked it up. He also wasn't feeling that good today so i didn't want to say much.  U know, that 2 hours was pure torture. I wanted to go home and rest properly. But I chose top stay with u. And this is what I get.

Lol.  Fml.