Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Xmas 2013

Its gonna be a very diff xmas this year. No bf. Dont really feel like going out either. Just wanna sleep in, read and climb. Moving on.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Girls nights out

Today was awesome. Went out.with val and liling to Ikea. Had alot of fun with them. I love them to bits. Liling gave me my first xmas card for the year. Actually usually no one gives me anything except my bf last time. I dont even get to ask any of my friends out becos out of habit caused by him. And he hogs all of them. Sucks.

Common friends

It's hard when we have alot of common friends. Becos he'll influence and hog all of them till u have nothing left. It sucks. But I gotta be strong. I still have my girls and cat.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

It's over

It's been one week since the break and honestly I really Do feel happier. I feel relaxed and relieved that I dont have to give a fuck about alot if things. My life will definitely change. Things will be better.

Now it's time to close this chapter and move on. I hope he'll move on too and stop saying things like he's living for us and that he's suicidal.

I want to be free. No more.burden and baggage.

Wow. I havent been single in the longest time. Strange yet happy. Hahaha.

Friday, November 29, 2013


Ok lor u win. Phone and game more important than me. Always having to accommodate and do stuff for u. And u never gave a fuck abt what I do for u. Whatever.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Dawn of a new era

Not sure why but re-blogging makes me feel like it's the dawn of a new era. Like some post apocalypse thing. Don't ask me why haha I don't know either. Blogging used to be my way out to vent my frustrations or to talk about my problems in general. Got quite tired of blogging actually and I guess it just went out of fashion.

I went back to blogging cos of my assignments. Need to create a blog and post my assignments within, so yeah im here. haha.

Lights out man, tired and in need of much lacked sleep. zzzz